I’ve written books with Christmas in them (I still swoon at the thought of the Christmas tree in the Lowe’s mansion in Teaville–which looks just as beautiful in my mind as the ehem, Brown Mansions‘ tree’ in Coffeyville….Note the Italian Hand-painted Wallpaper in this room…which is mentioned in A Heart Most Certain.)
And all the trees they put in the ballroom (remember where the Auction was held in A Chance at Forever?)
If you are ever in Southeast Kansas, stop by the Brown Mansion for a tour, and you just might “recognize” the architecture and layout if you’ve read the Teaville Series! And it’s BEAUTIFUL at Christmas time!
Though Lydia and Nicholas have a swoony moment by a Christmas tree in A Heart Most Certain, and I might have mentioned Christmas in passing in other books, I’ve yet to write any story that revolved around the message of Christmas and I’m excited to have one in Depending on You. Bryant from Romancing the Bride is returning from prison around Christmas time, and if anyone ever needed the promise of Love and Forgiveness, it’s Bryant.
I even got a special cover to swap out when Christmas comes, so I can “decorate” next year at the different retailers.
In Depending on You, there’s a candlelight service, a live nativity, handmade ornaments, warm fires, snow, and the best thing of all–love!